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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Roundup 2010 Hubpages Cyrellys

Homeschool Curriculum Review: the Robinson Curriculum
The curriculum is comprised primarily of the three R's Mathematics, Reading, and Writing. Science is introduced later. All the usual skills and subjects like English, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar, History, and Science is enmeshed in the three R's mentioned above. Record keeping requirements were minimal both for the curriculum and for the state which we lived in. There was a form available from an associated website which worked well for keeping basic track of what had been completed each day. The virtual books on the disks include a set of 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica and a 400,000 word Websters Dictionary as well as historical illustrations and current Caltech 101 Science Texts. There are also worksheets for vocabulary and a quizing program for practicing the words. It even has flash cards to print for phonics, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Most of the language arts in the program is learned through study in the McGuffey Reader book series and through the extensive reading in some 250 high quality classical literature books which are all on the disks. http://hubpages.com/hub/Homeschool-Curriculum-Review-the-Robinson-Curriculum

Porno Scopes Being Installed In US Airports
The US Government has been known to skim money off of legitimate programs for use in the world of black budget projects or military-industrial special access projects. Research has also been done showing that the three letter acronym agencies have at times been involved in drug running as an additional source of income to fund the black world which has had an ever increasing appetite for funding. Now we hear that full body scanners are being prepared for installation in all US airports. Not only are the frequencies these machines operate on harmful to the long-term health of the human body but now there is also an open opportunity for our bodies to be recorded and digitally sold on the foreign sex markets. Men, women, and children all imaged in graphic detail will have to traverse these machines in order to obtain the right of air travel. Those who refuse on the grounds of health, safety, and right to privacy will be relagated to the position of second class citizens for their unwillingness to be used as a monetary means of existence by the same deeply buried world which harbors humanity's true history of extra-terrestrial contact and also for their unwillingness for their image to become a tool of sexual gratification for unknown personages sold such images on an overseas black market. http://hubpages.com/hub/bodyscannersinairports

Why You Might Choose To Go Gem Shopping Today
Could Gemstones Be A Support to Gold During a Banking Collapse?
Why might I consider gem shopping today? Is there a need or a purpose beyond traditional investment in gemstones? It goes without saying that our economy despite its better moments is in real trouble. We've already lost 81 banks this year according to John Kanas, a CEO of a private equity firm, and according to him we'll likely lose another 1,000 banks in the next two years! This particularly impacts many small businesses and families who are heavily tied to smaller at risk banks. Our dollar is in danger according to various economic talking heads. On August 25th, The Hill's Blog reported that Senator Chuck Grassley (IA) warned Tuesday, that the economy could spiral into hyperinflation not seen since the early 1980s if the Federal Reserve does not tighten its monetary policy soon. So what do we do if the worst case senario were ever to happen? What if the economy went belly up and the dollar basically died on the operating table. Sure the grand schemers in D.C. would come up with something but what do us smaller fish do in the mean time? Many financial experts talk about gold but is gold a savior for the average individual or family? What about the small business? http://hubpages.com/hub/Why-You-Might-Choose-To-Go-Gem-Shopping-Today

Homeschooling Philosophy Curriculum
The following is a series of home school units on Philosophy which my children are using. I am offering it to other home schooling families for their own use. It includes roughly three to four years worth of in depth study in the subject for the average student. A more advanced student might work through it at a faster rate. The material takes the student through an introduction to classical philosophy and the theories which impacted the world. Exposure to a good range of theorists is included. I would recommend coupling this subject alongside a couple years of world history to assist with the context of the development of understanding philosophical theory. http://hubpages.com/hub/Philosophy-For-Home-School-Students

Fearless Thinking

Classical Philosophy gives us context to help us understand the "Why" in History. Philosophy Strand I: The Human Condition
** Introduction to Philosophy: Student will explore philosophy and establish it as a discipline which attempts to explain the human condition.

** Student will define Ethics and examine ethical theories and representative theorists.

Study topics:

Theorist: Plato

Theorist: Aristotle

Theory: Hedonism (Theorist: Epicurus)

Theory: Stoicism (Theorists: Epictetus & Marcus Aurelius)

Theory: Relativism (Theorist: Spinoza)

Theory: Utilitarianism (Theorist: Mill)

Theory: Naturalism (Theorist: Rousseau)

Theory: Pragmatism (Theorist: Dewey)

Theory: Existentialism (Theorist: Sartre, Confucius)

Questions to be Studied:

What is a Good Life?

How should a man behave?

What is a Good Society?

Which is the higher virtue – Truth or Justice?

Upon What premise do each of the philosophers base their conclusion?

Reading for Philosophy I includes:

(the following resources can be obtained online for free)

The Basic Teachings of the Great Philosophers, By SE Frost Jr.

Ch 1 The Nature of the Universe

Ch 2 Man’s Place in the Universe

Ch 3 What is Good and what is Evil?

The Socratic Dialogs, by Plato

Socratic Method? By Morris B. Kaplan

Crito, by Plato

Nicomachean Ethics, by Aristotle, William David Ross, David Ross, JL Ackrill, JO Urmson.

Epicurus on Happiness (series) youtube.com video

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2 of 3

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Epictetus: A Stoic and Socratic Guide to Life, by A.A. Long

The Golden Sayings of Epictetus (audio – learnoutloud.com)

The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius (LibriVox – audio recording)

Spinoza: Practical Philosophy, by Gilles Deleuze

Utilitarianism, by John Stuart Mill (http://www.utilitarianism.com/mill1.htm )

Discourse on Inequality, Jean-Jacques Rousseau (audio – learnoutloud.com)

The Social Contract, Jean-Jacques Rousseau (audio – Ejunto.org)

John Dewey: Pragmatism (http://great-philosophers.suite101.com/article.cfm/john_dewey_pragmatism )

Habits and Will (Excerpt from Human Nature & Conduct), By John Dewey (http://www.alexandercenter.com/jd/johndeweyhabits.html )

Sartre’s Existentialism (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - http://www.iep.utm.edu/sartre-ex/ )

Existentialism & Sartre (http://www.sartre.org/existentialism.htm )

The Sayings of Confucius, Confucious (audio – learnoutloud.com)

A Reflection on Two Sentient Species Co-existing
If you have never explored the subject of Exopolitics you might take a moment to google it. It has been defined a number of different ways but one that I personally like is the study of the politics of extraterrestrial contact and the, '"dynamics of the interactions between ET races and their interactions with earth humanity," as given by Ed Komarek a exopolitician with well over 15 years in the field. I mention it because I was wondering just what it might be like to co-exist with someone not like us, perhaps someone from out there however that might be defined. What if such a someone chose to live with a human or a human family here on Earth? What would life be like? On immediate example sprang to mind. How many of you have ever lived with a cat? If you have or do then you may percieve just how unique and remarkable an experience that really is. For those of you who have never experienced life with a cat, you might be rolling your eyes at me right now. But wait just one minute, I have a point here. You see cats have independent, intelligent natures. They co-exist with us, not be owned by us. If a cat don't like you he won't stick around. And every once in a while you run across one with a real doozy of a personality...had a maine coon that qualified there....never a dull moment around with that fuzzy fellow. He would go out and catch birds to proudly parade around the house before leaving it for me on the floor in front of the stove....what was that? Just cat behavior you say, nothing special you say, but what if it was something like taking care of his 'human' partner? I often wondered as he'd stare at me from the farside of the kitchen even years afterwards, if I was expected to cook the the carcass, it was a weird feeling at the time that he'd be quite satisfied if I did. http://hubpages.com/hub/A-Reflection-on-Two-Sentient-Species-Co-existing

The Life Between Absolutism and Democracy
Our lives have been hijacked. We find ourselves enmeshed in a running knife fight whose nature has revisited us innumerous times throughout the history of humankind. It has snuck in through a back window of our lives and crept down our hallways to crouch behind our sofa where it peers from the depths of shadow upon us. We have barely begun to notice it, our awareness of it fresh as an early spring morning with a late winter storm bearing down from the north and just topping the crest of our moment where like a deer in headlights we have frozen to stare in its blaze. It is an old story of conflict which ever dramatic, captures not only whole countries of people but of their very ideas and cultures. From the shadows it emerges griping us with a disciplined despotism reaching out and smiting our freedoms and notions of democracy, representation, and ethical conduct. It seems to espouse a mutual hatred for all life as it bears no tolerance toward any man, woman, or child. This beast is absolute. And it has stalked us and our democratic republic over many generations. http://hubpages.com/hub/The-Life-Between-Absolutism-and-Democracy

The Depth of Changes Rolling Out With Global Governance and The Contact Paradigm
I just ran across something interesting today. And the first thing that popped up in my head when reading it was to wonder if the Vatican who is supporting extraterrestrial contact Disclosure and evolution to an ET integrated reality recieved certain concessions in exchange for their support....so called "payment" for the "costs" of disclosure? Title: Texas Yanks Thomas Jefferson From Teaching Standard Quote: That emphasis did not sit well with board member Cynthia Dunbar, who, during Friday's meeting, explained the rationale for changing it. "The Enlightenment was not the only philosophy on which these revolutions were based," Dunbar said. The new standard, passed at the meeting in a 10-5 vote, now reads, "Explain the impact of the writings of John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Voltaire, Charles de Montesquieu, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin and Sir William Blackstone." By dropping mention of revolution, and substituting figures such as Aquinas and Calvin for Jefferson, Texas Freedom Network argues, the board had chosen to embrace religious teachings over those of Jefferson, the man who coined the phrase "separation between church and state." End Quote. The individuals listed were all philosophers...like Thomas Aquinas who was considered one of the greatest of the Schoolmen. Schoolmen were philosophers who attempted to reconcile the beliefs of the Christian church and the ideas which had come down to them from the Greeks - philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and others who are fathers of modern science (philosophies which then had been long in exile as threats to the Roman Church). Aquinas was the one who is credited with working out the relationship between Christian beliefs and those forms of Greek philosophy. He was one of the Realists and endeavored to show that universals were real. In agreeing with Christian tradition he held that all universals existed in the mind of God. He followed Aristotle in introducing matter as that upon which universals work. Nature, for him was a union of universals and matter. For Thomas, God created the world out of nothing. He was the cause of both matter and the universals and that creation is going on all the time around us. Jean Jacques Rousseau believed man was not a machine, part of the mechanical universe. Rather, man was a thing of feeling, sentiment. Science, culture, had bound man in chains which were destroying all that was really human. Rousseau proposed to cast off this shell of civilization and free man for the full development of all his capacities. Rousseau believed science had isolated man from nature and that man's salvation lay in an escape from the bonds of science and a return to nature. Hobbes was a materialist with the idea that everything in the universe is in motion, even God. http://hubpages.com/hub/The-Depth-of-Changes-Rolling-Out-With-Global-Governance-and-The-Contact-Paradigm

Thoughts On Liberty & Contact Disclosure
One of the greatest issues in extraterrestrial contact disclosure is that the mentality and policies of secrecy are so entrenched in our society that any pro-disclosure faction in government, military, or corporations would be faced with opposing standing national security policy. Among those who are anti-disclosure minded, they are more concerned with maintaining a semblence of control than they are with constitutional operation or the will of the people whom they are employed to serve. As a consequence a social facade has grown around the subject in which an unmoveably biased derision is attached to any journalistic approach and handling of the subject. So, to what media or surface level governmental official would any pro-disclosure group go with proof or claims of contact activity? I would ask you dear reader, which news media would you feel is trustworthy to the extent it is not so under the thumb of corporations or the three letter acronyms groups or other parties which benefit or fear changes in our planetary paradigm, that you could get more than a five second obscure blurb about it meant to do more than pacify but not reveal? Any reporter proof or not would likely get dropped like a hot potato if it didn't take no or a rewrite of their submission for an answer. The operative issue here is a mutual corruption and control of both the public and private sectares which make any attempt of public revelation which is in opposition of "policy" controlled by factions which despise true transparancy or public influence/control/command. To Disclose about Contact in a non-dislosure environment or where the current federal & state governments are puppets or face-plates for the real managers and the real controllers means being in the oppositions eyes, subversives. http://hubpages.com/hub/Thoughts-On-Liberty-Contact-Disclosure
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