Is a ancient Irish poetic play on words describing the path taken in the search for knowledge. Such works are a journey of discovery encompassing a wide variety of topics ranging from local and world events to the arts of history and today. You will find a bit of everything here touched with a healthy dose of good humor.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
The Last Unicorn, I'm Alive!
(Jimmy Webb)
When the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain
And the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain
In the shadow of the forest though she may be old and worn
They will stare unbelieving at the last unicorn
I'm alive, I'm alive!
When the first breath of winter through the flowers is icing
And you look to the north and a pale moon is rising
And it seems like all is dying and would leave the world to mourn
In the distance hear the laughter of the last unicorn
I'm alive, I'm alive!
When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning
And the future has passed without even a last desperate warning
Then look into the sky where through the clouds a path is torn
Look and see her how she sparkles, it's the last unicorn
I'm alive, I'm alive!
Mental Notes July 24 2009
work ethic
technological evolution
philosophical evolution
financial evolution & adapation
constituting the new frontier
hopes, dreams, and adventure in the unknown
envisioning tomorrows people
the sickness of fear run amok
survival versus living
stepping beyond nutshells
Kenneth Burke's Pentad
5 basic components for seeking motives
1. The act: What was done?
2. The actor: Who did it?
3. The agency: What means did the person use to make it happen?
4. The scene: Where & when did the act happen and in what circumstances?
5. The purpose or motive for acting: What could have made the person do it?
What features would appear strange to the Old Ones?
Quote: "Out of the melting pot emerges a race which hates Beauty as it hates Truth." - H. L. Mencken, 1920s, pg 404
What devices may create coherence?
ordinary or typical?
what changed?
not tolerable...
when was withdrawl?
protest vs dialog
emotion & feeling
video-logic: Jeffrey Moritz
recent evolution of logic?
Article: "The American Revolution Considered As An Intellectual Movement" by Edmund S. Morgan
What fundamental event is producing the leaders to carry forward the strands?
Which strand is being carried forward with greater certainty?
- evidenced by what opposition or support arises promptly and spontaneously
What more completely unites than anything which follows?
Quote: "They who are from the first so fully aware where the logic of their position could lead them but keep their peace..." Morgan
Quote: "The growing conflict was not irretrievable, but that to retrieve it would have required an understanding on each side of the exact limits of the other's claims." Morgan
Illustrating degree of spirit involved:
Quote: "The American Revolution must also be seen in the context of the history of political ideas. Never before in modern times had a colony revolted against the mother country and survived; never before had it, after physical survival, embarked on a republican experiment in government; and never before had it dared to risk such an experiment on so vast and scattered a territory as did the United States." Esmond Wright, Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution.
Quote: "The transforming radicalism of the American Revolution.....above all else an ideological-constitutional struggle and not primarily a controversy between social groups under taken to force changes in the organization of society"(p. viii) and that, "the fear of a comprehensive conspiracy against liberty through out the English speaking world....lay at the heart of the revolutionary movement."(p. x)
hmmm, we've come round the circle once again....and how many returned among us with it?
through debate and dialog on the issues of the time between 1776 and 1787 a singular people emerged.
Question: wondering how many people today have read the Federalist Papers as part of education? not many imo
all that with an uncanny familiarity afoot perused. Two strands split by perspective when one vision was not shared; including a break in distinctive values & experiences. Same as today. But in this case there is also two broad social groups involved, one of which is forcing sweeping changes in the fabric of society....the fears confirmed have established a heart for movement in at least one of the strands.
- capacity to draw upon dreams of the higher self
- the tidal movement of inclinations
- laments vs purposeful weavings of values, vitality, & positive intent.
Question: is the circle bringing back into synchronistic action a new version of the concern over "human depravity and divine perfection" ?
My Recent Reading List
Online Video & Audio: Gerald Celente
Online Blog Follow: Catherine Austin Fitts
Book: A Pocket History of the United States; Authors Allan Nevins, Henry Steele Commager, with Jeffery Morris
Book: Born On The Fourth of July; by Ron Kovic
Book: Cultures In Conversation; by Donal Carbaugh
Book: Common Ground: Reading and Writing about America's Cultures; by Laurie G Kirszner and Stephen R Mandall
Book: All I Really Need to Know I Learned In Kindergarten - Uncommon Thoughts On Common Things; by Robert Fulghum
Book: Causes and Consequences of American Revolution; Edited by Esmond Wright
Book: The Civil War: A History; by Harry Hansen
Book: Out Of Many: A History Of The American People; By Faragher, Buhle, Czitrom, & Armitage
Article: The Haves and the Have-Nots, by LynNell Hancock
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
They're Baaaaack!

They're Baaaack!
Both of them!
The gophers and the Yuppies.
Well the west coast yuppie rich friends are back in Montana! They spend boatloads of money flying out to Great Falls and renting a mini-van or truck to visit our ranch to shoot gophers every year. They spend all day at it too.
The gopher terrorists....their guns are high powered and have you can imagine just what that does to bulls-eye gopher, a synonym for exploding gophers? I don't know.
I do know I don't like the fact I have so many my prime pastures look like the ground is moving in the morning and the pasture grass I seeded last year isn't getting a chance to grow because of them. So west coast yuppie rich friends...have at it! Enjoy.
That which tickles some turkeys is an onerous chore to others. I need a few more west coast yuppie rich friends and maybe I'd have perfect pastures and fat sheep.
lol, Cy
For more information about the notorious Montana Gopher... aka Ground Squirrel:
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Someone Had An Awful Lot Of Time On Their Hands

Monday, May 11, 2009
Cyrellys ni Geibhendach
Exopolitics - Manifesting a New Paradigm
An Explosion of Fish
Open Minds Forum - United Nations Secret UFO Meetings
Compass Morainn - An Association of Exopolitical Mediators
Compass Morainn Forum
Compass Morainn Journal
It's Garden Craze Time
I've blue corn to plant this year but that will have to wait one more month....after the holiday, around the first of June. Right now it is endless rounds of potatoes into the ground. The soil has been dormant all winter under a thick layer of compost.
At the end of the growing year the barns are cleaned and all the old footing goes to the garden to refurbish the soil over the winter months. The soil underneath stays loose and airy aided by earthworms and other microorganisms.
Today I added something new, raspberries and blackberries...they come as inauspicous looking twigs tied to a support pole of bamboo stuck into a pot of soil....a 1x1 hole in the ground and firmed soil around the wood-be plant an it is ready to begin its future. I've a nice straight row of them now...only thing left to do is water and wait....
There is a spiritual affirmation to working with the elements of soil, sun, water, and seed. It is true that when you focus on the individual plants over their growth that they seem to grow greener, healthier, and tastier. I know this because one year I experimented with it. The ones I left to fend for themselves seemed a poor shadow of the ones given the greater attention.
This year is going to be a year of expansion....I'm going to grow the garden itself by a few think....musing this over daily is becoming a hobby. Like furnature in the house, constantly rearranging the mental picture of what I want where, and what I'm hoping it to look like in full bloom. I think I've moved the onions two dozen times already...when I seed them at last then I shall be satisfied per force.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The Shortest Distance Between Two Points Is A Straight Line
The Truth of Fish is Less Than The Failure of Leadership
Rejection of the wonder which is reality breeds disillusion with is a mortgage placed upon tommorrow whose balloon payment none can make.
Mars Anomalies, Water, Plants, Life! HD
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Mind Is Not Limited to Time, Space, or Place...New Gains On An Old Idea

Here kitty, kitty, kitty...
Ran across an article on the Sun online news source that claims Britains big cats have been confirmed in the wild....go to website for a terrific pic of a black panther snarling.
FEROCIOUS big cats DO live in Britain — after being seen by Forestry Commission rangers.
Oh yeah!
Score one more for kitty.
Good Advice From America's Past
I've been comparing this idea with things for the last couple of days....and he's right the results are surprising.
I've also learned that when you spend most of your time doing big, complicated things then the mundane becomes not so simple after being a retired steep slope roofer who's never fallen off a roof but crash & burns big time just trying to get over a baby gate, or smashing a finger hammering in a fencing brad, or making a pizza and then wearing flour in places it really is obnoxious to clean up like in ones eyes for instance. It's been an interesting week so far and its only Thursday. So what's next on the 'to do' list? I don't advise getting between me and whatever I'm could be hazardous.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Synchronicity, Ignorance, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Ancient Cowboys
And by my partners current fate he has landed in the middle of the mother of all cowboy havens as one middle aged, obstinant employee among a whole slew of old geizers still slogging the bovine trail in cold, windy Montana. He's been learning cattle now the hard way from them for several months. He's only just cracked the tip of the glacial berg there in the volumes of knowledge yet to be learned. And he has yet to find the core of true value which comes with working with a series of co-workers who's ages top seventy consistantly. And knowing my partner, I'm sure despite all effort in his eyes to be gruffly cordial, I'm certain it shows.
So what does all this have to do with synchronicity you ask? Do you even know what synchronicity is? If you don't then I'd recommend a good book for your evenings before bed titled: The Celestine Prophecy. In my mind it is the melding through expanded awareness sensitivity, of the functioning of one's higher self with one's environment on both a physical and spiritual level. I won't go much more into it because that is not the primary purpose of this discourse.
Well, now that you are really confused I will say that it, as a consequence, gives the ability to know certain things at certain times. And sometimes even someone as dense as myself can put it to truly decent use. Like knowing that today, a particularly ancient cowboy who still works, plugging away at his rough trade, will be spending his morning fighting the snow to accomplish his bovine chores and thinking miserable thoughts related to his age and life in general. It's knowing that unlike most days when my partner and him break for lunch both are sitting at opposite ends of the pasture, no it is today where both will be taking lunch together...I simply know this...woke up knowing this. Expanded Awareness does that to you sometimes and it also calls you to action when it discerns a it needs the sharing of a special lunch...It needs me to pack a few extra of the chocolate chip cookies I baked yesterday.
My partner asked me this morning what I was doing. He couldn't eat all those extra cookies I was putting in his lunch bag. I said they aren't for you. They're for Kenny. My partner says but Kenny and I don't eat lunch together, he's usually at the other end of the pasture. I said today will be different...see to it he gets them. Ok, says he, giving me one of those looks that says I shouldn't be advertising. Well, sometimes there are more important getting the ignorant and the knowledgeable together where empathy and interchange, and improvement in self value can all mix and work the wonders it tends to do. Where the down trodden can brighten for there is yet things of importance to be done even if it is to break ice in the mind of the agri-hardened for they run in tandem for reasons neither yet suspect. Can you imagine kickstarting a branch of the future with Chocolate Chip Cookies? Can you imagine lifting the spirit of the gruff and the aging with the sent, the smell, and the bite from one of those universally beloved confections? Oh yeah!
I'm certain of how this story will play out. It's happened before. Some thirty-eight plus years ago there was a young man with a new wife. He was raised a farmer as well, but the parents died when he was still a kid. So as could be assumed much was lacking in his knowledge base. Well synchronicity was on a roll back then too and threw that young fellow in with another old geizer in the year 1969.
The old geizer was married, drove a Dodge 1960 3/4 ton baby blue pickup and was of an age to have been a young man on the last big interstate cattle drive between Montana and Texas before all the new wire fencing relagated such things to a thing of the past. He'd finished that drive and then with his small share of the booty bought himself some Herefords and went to Oregon where he married and settled down to tend his cattle on a small acreage. His cattle were too many to keep all year only on his own land so he generally found ways to trade his interest/skill in mechanics and ranching for use of spare pasture for his critters...well as it happened when the young man bought his first ranch he ended up meeting the gruff, sparse speaking old man, who by then was topping the big 7-0.
And the deal turned out that if Old Geizer could run a few Hereford Cows on his acreage then he'd get his first cow and all future breeding for his own hered for free by the Old Geizer's bulls. The young man took the deal and landed something better, a friendship that lasted a lifetime, and through it he learned everything he knows about ranching and mechanic-ing today. Through the final years of the historic Old West, a lifetime was changed and brought back to the land in the midst of the age of technology. Today the young man is no longer young. His kids are all grown up and gone. So too is the Old Geizer, who died a few years ago at the age of 102 while out tending his cows. But his legacy lives on in people he grew close to and took the time to 'tell a few stories, and show a few things". His interaction enriched an entire family who took the knowledge and is even today passing it on.
So here I relate an older story to shed light on the beginning of a new one. One initiated by chocolate chip cookies which in another three hours shall bring together a new round of life linking and a fresh tweaking or fine tuning of a portion of the future. For we are all interconnected in everything we intend, everything we think, say, and do.
Everything and Everyone Matters.
Seems to me I'm seeing the theme for 2009. Yeah, so all you young bucks out there, go find an old geizer and break past his gruff shell. He still has things to teach you. Let it uplift his life, enrich yours and inspire the next generation.
Here's to Ancient Cowboys; Old Geizer's everywhere! You are eternal by consequence of that which you pass down to young hard heads.
from the hard heads of the past to the hard heads of the future, this post dedicated to:
Paul Ellenberger

About the photo:
Fifth-generation rancher, poet, and writer Deanna Dickinson McCall shared this circa 1912 photo of her grandfather. Deanna told us:
The picture was a post card (that was quite a fad), of my grandfather Perry Preston Dickinson. He went by "P.P." He was born in Denton County, Texas in 1896 to a ranching family. He got itchy feet and rode to AZ at the age of 12 and stayed there quite awhile. He "courted" my Granny back in Texas and had the card made for her. The picture was taken in the vicinity of Grand Canyon. It is signed "The 10X Bronc fighter," as he was the rough string rider and was working on the 10X ranch at the time. (Men weren't boys for very long in those days!) He was a great influence in my life and taught me many of the old stories, songs, and how to ride. He later was a Marshall and a special agent of the Texas Rangers.
You can read more about Deanna Dickinson McCall and read some of her poetry here.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
My First Frustration of The New Year
Kudos to Bovi Sera Antiserum for treatment of pneumonia and enterotoxemia, passive immune failure in newborns and shipping fever complex who is carried by Hoegger Supply Company, who is most appreciated for labling the dosage in their catalog of 10cc sub-Q injection for adults and 5cc sub-Q injection for newborns...bless them for being practical.