They're Baaaack!
Both of them!
The gophers and the Yuppies.
Well the west coast yuppie rich friends are back in Montana! They spend boatloads of money flying out to Great Falls and renting a mini-van or truck to visit our ranch to shoot gophers every year. They spend all day at it too.
The gopher terrorists....their guns are high powered and have scopes....so you can imagine just what that does to bulls-eye gopher, a synonym for exploding gophers? I don't know.
I do know I don't like the fact I have so many my prime pastures look like the ground is moving in the morning and the pasture grass I seeded last year isn't getting a chance to grow because of them. So west coast yuppie rich friends...have at it! Enjoy.
That which tickles some turkeys is an onerous chore to others. I need a few more west coast yuppie rich friends and maybe I'd have perfect pastures and fat sheep.
lol, Cy
For more information about the notorious Montana Gopher... aka Ground Squirrel: